Frequently Asked Questions

You got questions, we got answers. Feel free to read our FAQ or get in contact with us with any inquiry.

How long does an installation take?

Anywhere between 15 minutes to a couple of hours. It really depends on the number of blinds and the type of blinds you chose.

Can I have blinds in any type of window?

Yes, since we custom make our blinds, it is possible to make them fit your window unless of course, your consultant says otherwise. We strive to meet all of our clients’ needs.

How many people perform the install?

Usually one person; however, if the area is a bit more complex, or difficult to reach there may be two or three people working the job.

How can I perform maintenance on my blinds?

Most blinds are made from different materials, so in this case, it’s best to ask your consultant when choosing the blinds

Can you schedule installation during the weekend?

Yes! We work around your schedule to fit your needs. An installer can be available for a Saturday install. Unfortunately, we don’t work on Sundays.

Does Blinds In Days guarantee the installation and blinds?

Absolutely! We guarantee our work for a whole year.

Do I need to provide any type of materials?

No, we provide everything for you.

Do you make repairs to installations made by you?

Absolutely, as part of our guarantee, we repair anything that is wrong as long as it wasn’t caused by negligence or accidents. All our parts are guaranteed.